
Jeff Woods, Neobi

“Since working with GrowthX and implementing their methods, we’ve increased our revenue by 300% in a year and a half! The benefits of the program were significant: We reduced marketing spend and invested in solid sales leadership and relationship development. We scaled back product development to focus on requirements for our ideal customer, lowering costs. …

Jeff Woods, Neobi Read More »

Sandy Padala, Rex K-12

“Thanks to The Revenue Accelerator, we’ve added $1.8M to our pipeline in the last 3 months!”

Kelsey Hahn, Monark

“With GrowthX’s help, we had the revenue traction and a tangible GTM strategy to help us close our Seed round!”

Melvin Newman, Patabid

“With the help of GrowthX, we went from 31 to 83 customers, and we are finalizing our first investor!”

Emeka Oguh, PeopleJoy

“After working with GrowthX, we have two new deals with a combined ACV of $225K!”

Kenzie Butera Davis, maro

“The Revenue Accelerator fundamentally altered the way my team thinks about sales. We were seeing a lot of interest, but were really struggling to convert that interest to paid contracts. The program helped us dig deep and build our first repeatable sales process, and I just closed my pre-seed round with AlleyCorp and Kapor Capital!”

Kara Mason, BrainSTEM

“Thanks to The Revenue Accelerator, we landed 3 new contracts for over $100,000 of new revenue! We now have a repeatable sales process to acquire new customers!”